Friday, November 21, 2008

Love/Hate Relationship

I just finished writing my support letter for this spring's trip, something that I find very difficult to do. While I was writing it, I needed to put some of the pictures from last years trip in the letter. Deciding which photos to put on the page was so hard! I felt like each one was so beautiful and had it's own specific memories, how could I only choose a couple? Well, of course I ended up going through ALL of the hundreds of pictures I had taken during last years trip, and my heart got so excited to see all of the Guyanese! 

It is so fun and exciting to think that the friendships that were made last year, have not ended, and that the people who, just a year ago, were strangers and were unidentifiable to us, now have names and spirits and personalities who are looking forward to our return to Guyana as much as we are! :) 

Whenever I think about the trip a part of me feels super excited and is rearing to go, but another part of me dreads the preparation. I never know what the polite way, or the way with the most finesse is to ask for money. Sometimes I feel like I'm holding a cup out and waiting for it to be filled. This is one of the most humbling things, realizing that I can't do this alone and that no matter how much easier it would be to do this myself, I can't, and I shouldn't.

Matt. 6:24 - "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

I need to be fully certain and trust that God will provide for the means of this trip if I am meant to go. The minute I make fundraising, and money the focus of this trip is the minute that I am devoted to the money and therefore despise God. I am praying that I guard myself against this, as it is so easy to fall into this trap. 

I am so reluctant to let go of this matter, but I know that in order to love God, I must hate the money. 
I hate the money.
I love ONLY God.